Lecture: Jie Gu --Resurgence and BPS invariants (23 Nov, 2021)




Title: Resurgence and BPS invariants

Speaker:Jie Gu (顾杰)

Affiliation:University of Geneva

Time:14:00 - 15:00, Tuesday, 23 November, 2021

Venue: Room 1502, Yifu Architecture Building, Sipailou Campus of Southeast University, Nanjing

Inviter:Qiang Wen (101012491@seu.edu.cn) 



Non-perturbative sectors of physics models are usually difficult to access. The resurgence theory allows us to access these sectors by analysing perturbative series. More importantly, it reveals that different asymptotic series at different saddle points are related to each other (including the trivial saddle) by Stokes automorphisms characterised by Stokes constants. We argue that the Stokes constants can be treated as new invariants of the theories in question. In some non-trivial examples they are integers and they can be interpreted as counting of BPS states, as evidenced by examples in Seiberg-Witten theory and complex Chern-Simons theory. This has ramifications in supersymmetric field theories, TQFTs, 3d topology, and string theory.

About the Speaker

The speaker Jie GU is a postdoc researcher from the Univeristy of Geneva. Jie GU did his PhD at the Department of Theoretical Physics of University of Bonn, under the supervision of Dr. Hans Jockers and Prof. Albrecht Klemm. Jie GU has a wide range of research interest, including topological string, supersymmetric field theory, non-perturbative effects in quantum field theory, matrix models, and etc.. Recently hes interested in using various tools, including topological string theory, resurgence theory, to compute BPS invariants of supersymmetric field theoeries. He joins Shing-Tung Yau Center of Southeast University in November 2021.

   报告人顾杰是是日内瓦大学的博士后。他博士毕业于波恩大学理论物理系,师从Hans Jockers博士和Albrecht Klemm教授。他的研究兴趣包括拓扑弦、超对称场论、量子场论中的非微扰现象、矩阵模型等。最近他的研究成果包括用拓扑弦或者复起理论计算超对称场论中的BPS不变量。他于2021年11月加入东南大学丘成桐中心。

Slides-Gu Jie-20211123.pdf