Rafael Nepomechie 教授学术报告
Title: Quantum state preparation: from Dicke states to Bethe states
Speaker: Rafael Nepomechie
Affiliation: University of Miami, USA (美国迈阿密大学)
Time: 10:00-11:00 am, Friday, 14th March, 2025 (UTC+8, Beijing Time)
Venue: Zoom Meeting (ID: 385 442 0225; Passcode: yauc)
Inviter: Yunfeng Jiang(江云峰)
The spin-1/2 Heisenberg quantum spin chain is a paradigmatic model of theoretical physics. We consider the problem of preparing exact eigenstates of this model on a quantum computer. We begin, after briefly reviewing the basics of quantum computing, by considering the simpler problem of preparing Dicke states, whose solution we then generalize to Bethe states. We use the latter construction to estimate Bethe roots.
Rafael Nepomechie is currently a professor at the University of Miami. He received a PhD in 1982 at the University of Chicago. He worked as a postdoc at Brandeis University and at the University of Washington, and then as a faculty member at the University of Miami since 1986. His research interests include integrable quantum spin chains, integrable quantum field theories, and integrability in string theory. Currently he is studying integrability in quantum computing.
The seminar will be broadcasted online by Zoom.
Interested people are free to join, without registration in advance.
The Zoom info is
URL: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3854420225?pwd=SXY4eWJKOTBFZWJDaE16aXpTamY1QT09
Meeting ID: 385 442 0225
Passcode: yauc