​刘继军等2024年1月在Phys. Med. Biol.期刊发表论文


2024年1月4日,东南大学丘成桐中心刘继军教授与合作者在Physics in Medicine & Biology期刊上发表题为“M3S-Net: multi-modality multi-branch multi-self-attention network with structure-promoting loss for low-dose PET/CT enhancement”的学术论文。


Jijun Liu et al. -- M3S-Net: multi-modality multi-branch multi-self-attention network with structure-promoting loss for low-dose PET/CT enhancement - IOPscience


Citation: Dong Wang, Chong Jiang, Jian He, Yue Teng, Hourong Qin, Jijun Liu and Xiaoping Yang*, M3S-Net: multi-modality multi-branch multi-self-attention network with structure-promoting loss for low-dose PET/CT enhancement, Phys. Med. Biol. 69 (2024) 025001.
