温从烤 教授学术报告
Title: Exact results and modularity of giant graviton four-point correlator
Speaker: Congkao Wen (温从烤)
Affiliation: Queen Marry University of London, UK (英国伦敦玛丽女王大学)
Time: 16:00-17:00, Tuesday, 23rd April, 2024 (UTC+8, Beijing Time)
Venue: Zoom Meeting (ID: 385 442 0225; Passcode: yauc)
Inviter: Yunfeng Jiang (江云峰)
In this talk, I will discuss some exact results of four-point correlation functions in N=4 super Yang-Mills. I will focus on the correlator involving two determinant operators (often called giant gravitons) and two superconformal primary operators in the stress tensor multiplet, and study the associated integrated correlator by integrating over the spacetime dependence. I will show that the integrated correlator can be reformulated as an infinite sum of protected three-point functions, which leads to exact expressions of the integrated correlator in the planar limit and beyond. The SL(2, Z) completion of the results and the comparison with string theory will be discussed as well.
Prof. Congkao Wen joined the Centre for Theoretical Physics (CTP) in 2018. Previously, He held research positions at Caltech, at University of Rome, Tor Vergata, and at CTP in QMUL. He received his Ph.D. at Brown University, and he did his undergraduate and graduate studies at Zhejiang University.

The seminar will be broadcasted online by Zoom.
Interested people are free to join, without registration in advance.
The Zoom info is
URL: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3854420225?pwd=SXY4eWJKOTBFZWJDaE16aXpTamY1QT09
Meeting ID: 385 442 0225
Passcode: yauc