​青钊等2023年8月在Asian Journal of Psychiatry期刊在线发表论文



   2023819日,东南大学丘成桐中心青钊副教授与合作者在《Asian Journal of Psychiatry》期刊上发表题为《Childhood trauma and social support affect symptom profiles through cortical thickness abnormalities in major depressive disorder: A structural equation modeling analysis》的学术论文。


Childhood trauma and social support affect symptom profiles through cortical thickness abnormalities in major depressive disorder: A structural equation modeling analysis - ScienceDirect


Citation: Chenguang Jiang, Wenhao Jiang, Gang Chen, Wei Xu, Taipeng Sun, Linlin You, Suzhen Chen, Yingying Yin, Xiaoyun Liu, Zhenghua Hou, Zhao Qing, Chunming Xie, Zhijun Zhang, Jessica A. Turner*, Yonggui Yuan*, Childhood trauma and social support affect symptom profiles through cortical thickness abnormalities in major depressive disorder: A structural equation modeling analysis, Asian Journal of Psychiatry, Volume 88, 2023.
