​(2023-06-05) Seminar: Yong Zhang(张勇)-- Exploring Hidden Structures in Scattering Amplitudes


 张勇 博士学术报告

Title: Exploring Hidden Structures in Scattering Amplitudes

Speaker: Dr. Yong Zhang(张勇)

AffiliationPerimeter Institute, Canada(加拿大圆周理论物理研究所

Time: 14:00-15:00, June 5th (Mon.), 2023 (GMT+8)

Venue: Room 1502, Yifu Architecture Building, Sipailou Campus of Southeast University, Nanjing


Inviter: Qiang Wen(文强)




In this talk, we delve into the fascinating world of scattering amplitudes, exploring their hidden structures and unveiling new physics. We investigate the concept of double copy, establishing intriguing connections between gauge theory and gravitational scattering amplitudes. Leveraging modern computational methods and powerful duality frameworks, we explore the broad applications of the double copy across various regimes, from tree-level to the quantum regime, simplifying the computations of super Yang-Mills theory and supergravity amplitudes. Additionally, we delve into string-like methods and their role in evaluating loop-level amplitudes, revealing the intricate interplay between string theory and field theories. Lastly, we embark on a journey into the realm of generalized biadjoint theories, examining their Feynman diagrams and configuration spaces, thereby paving the way for new theories and offering novel insights.

