(2023-04-11) Seminar: Simon Ekhammar -- Quantum Spectral Curve And AdS3/CFT2


Simon Ekhammar 学术报告

Title: Quantum Spectral Curve And AdS3/CFT2

Speaker: Simon Ekhammar

Affiliation: Uppsala University, Sweden

Time: 16:00-17:00, Tuesday, 11th April, 2023 (UTC+8, Beijing Time)

Venue: Zoom Meeting (ID: 385 442 0225; Passcode: yauc)

Inviter: Ryo Suzuki

Simon Ekhammar-Quantum Spectral Curve And AdS3CFT2-20230411.pdf


The Quantum Spectral Curve (QSC) is a powerful integrability-based formalism capable of computing the non-perturbative spectrum of planar N=4 SYM. The success and utility of QSC motivate trying to extend it beyond N=4 to other instance of the AdS/CFT correspondence where integrability is expected to be present. Recently two different groups proposed identical conjectures for a QSC describing planar string theory on AdS3*S3*T4 with pure RR-flux. The conjectures were based on symmetry arguments of the Q-system underlying the QSC construction.

I will review the basics of the QSC framework in the well-understood AdS5 case. Thereafter I will explain the conjectured curve and how it differs from previous iterations of the QSC. Furthermore, I will discuss recent perturbative results with a peculiar structure. Hopefully, these results can soon be confirmed, or disproved, by using the recently constructed TBA for AdS3.



Simon Ekhammar ia PhD student (finishing soon) at Uppsala University in Sweden, with the supervisor of Professor Dmytro Volin. He has worked out several papers about supergravity, integrable systems and AdS/CFT.


The seminar will be broadcasted online by Zoom.

Interested people are free to join, without registration in advance.

The Zoom info is


Meeting ID: 385 442 0225

Passcode: yauc