(2023-02-14) Seminar: Hongliang Jiang -- A Celestial View on Flat Spacetime


蒋宏亮 博士学术报告

Title: A Celestial View on Flat Spacetime

Speaker: Dr. Hongliang Jiang(蒋宏亮)

AffiliationQueen Mary University of London(伦敦玛丽女王大学

Time:16:00-17:00, Tuesday, 14th Feburary, 2023 (UTC+8, Beijing Time)

VenueRoom 1502, Yifu Architecture Building, Sipailou Campus of Southeast University, Nanjing



Quantum gravity has the nature of being holographic, which enables us to learn about gravity from the boundary field theory. Although AdS/CFT is a very successful realization, it is still not clear how to generalize to general backgrounds, in particular the flat spacetime. In this talk, I will introduce some recent progress in understanding flat space scattering from the perspective of the boundary celestial sphere. This proposal goes under the name of celestial holography. I will focus on several aspects, including the rich symmetries, the close relationship with string theory, as well as some attempts along the line of bootstrap.

About the Speaker 

Dr. Hongliang Jiang is currently a Postdoctoral Research Assistant At the School of Physical and Chemical Sciences of Queen Mary University of London.