(2023-02-07) Seminar: Renjie Lv--Degeneration of Hodge structures and cubic hypersurfaces


吕人杰 博士学术报告

Title: Degeneration of Hodge structures and cubic hypersurfaces

Speaker: Dr. Renjie Lv (吕人杰)

Affiliation: The Morningside Center of Mathematics(中国科学院晨兴数学中心)

Time:14:00-15:00, Tuesday, 7th Feburary, 2023 (UTC+8, Beijing Time)

VenueRoom 1502, Yifu Architecture Building, Sipailou Campus of Southeast University, Nanjing




The degeneration of Hodge structures for a family of algebraic manifolds studies how algebraic manifolds degenerate. In the theory,  the topological structure of the family is closely related to the singularities under the degeneration.  And the theory provides a Hodge-theoretic perspective for the compactification of moduli spaces of varieties. In this talk, I will focus on a particular degeneration of cubic hypersurfaces that associated to the Severi varieties in projective geometry. We study the so-called limiting mixed Hodge structure for the degeneration of cubic hypersurfaces, and the a local extension property of the period mappings.  It generalizes part of Radu Lazas and Brendan Hassetts results. This is a joint work with Zhiwei Zheng.

About the Speaker 

Dr. Renjie Lv is currently a postdoc at the Morningside Center of Mathematics, Beijing, China. His postdoc mentor is Baohua Fu. His research area is algebraic geometry and he is particularly interested in algebraic cycles, Hodge theory and hyper-Kaehler geometry.