​(2022-12-10) 几何与方程讨论班: Dongwei Chen--A land of c-monotonicity in optimal transport



SEU Yau Center Geometry and PDE Weekend Seminar 



Title: A land of c-monotonicity in optimal transport

Speaker: Dongwei Chen(陈东卫)

Affiliation:Clemson University(美国克莱姆森大学)

Time: 10:00-11:00, December 10th (Sat.), 2022 (GMT+8)

Venue: 腾讯会议/VooV Meeting  (ID: 667-945-737)




This talk will focus on the c-cyclically monotone principle of optimal transport (OT) and its generalizations in coinstrained OT. In the beginning, we will give a brief introduction to optimal transport and c-cyclically monotonicity that characterizes the optimal transport coupling. Then we will talk about two extensions of c-cyclically monotonicity, which are partly inspired by martingale optimal transport. The last part will talk about optimal transport with capacity constraints.  We give the c-monotone notion for capacity OT, which is also a generalization of c-cyclically monotone.  We show that the optimizer of capacity OT is c-monotone. This is a joint work with Martin Schmoll.


Dongwei Chen is a fourth-year PhD student in Clemson University under the supervision of Martin Schmoll. His research interest is optimal transport and its applications in climate science.