(2022-11-17) Colloquium: Hong Liu--The reasonable and unreasonable effectiveness of hydrodynamics in exotic quantum matter


刘洪 教授学术研讨会

Title: The reasonable and unreasonable effectiveness of hydrodynamics in exotic quantum matter

Speaker: Prof. Hong Liu(刘洪

Affiliation: MIT(麻省理工学院)

Time: 20:00-21:00, Thursday, 17th November, 2022 (UTC+8, Beijing Time)

Inviter: Zhijin Li (李志金)

Venue: 腾讯会议/ VooV Meeting (ID: 767-340-809)



Hydrodynamics has a long and glorious history, describing phenomena ranging from flows of water, patterns of weather, to star and galaxy formations. During the last decade, it has also played  important and often surprising  roles in characterizing various types of exotic quantum matter. In particular, it helped formulating a new class of quantum matter: quantum liquids without quasiparticles.  I will briefly review these stories and explain physical reasons behind these phenomenal new successes of hydrodynamics. I will then discuss  recent theoretical developments in reformulating hydrodynamics based on action principle, which enables one to incorporate hydrodynamic fluctuations systematically. Applications of the reformulation include a new proof of the second law of thermodynamics, and the prediction of a signature of quantum many-body chaos.


Hong Liu is a professor of Physics at MIT. He received his B.S. in 1993 from the University of Science and Technology of China and his Ph.D. in 1997 from Case Western Reserve University. He was a postdoctoral fellow at Imperial College and New High Energy Theory Center of Rutgers University, before joining the faculty at MIT in 2003. He was an Alfred Sloan Fellow (2003), an Outstanding Junior Investigator of the Department of Energy (2005), Simons Fellow (2012), Guggenheim Fellow (2019), and an APS Fellow (2021).