(2022-11-30) 代数与数论讨论班: Haoyu Hu--Cohomology boundedness for flat bundles on surfaces



SEU Yau Center Algebra and Number Theory Weekly Seminar



Title: Cohomology boundedness for flat bundles on surfaces

Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Haoyu Hu胡昊宇)

Affiliation: Nanjing University南京大学)

Time: 10:30-11:30, Wednesday, Nov 30th, 2022 (UTC+8, Beijing Time)

Venue腾讯会议/VooV Meeting 799-615-152


Inviter: Chao ZHANG 张超) Hao ZHANG 张浩)


The moduli problems for flat bundles on smooth complex varieties were considered by C. Simpson and N. Nitsure, only involving regular connections. In this talk, we introduce a boundedness result for the de Rham Betti numbers of meromorphic connections on surfaces with prescribed ranks and irregularities. It gives a necessary condition for the existence of moduli spaces for irregular connections conjectured by Esnault-Langer. This is a joint work with J.-B. Teyssier.

About the Speaker

胡昊宇南京大学数学系副教授师从代数几何学家扶磊教授与Ahmed Abbes教授2014年获得南开大学与巴黎十一大双博士学位其后分别在东京大学与Max-Planck研究所从事博士后研究工作2018年入职南京大学主要研究方向为算术几何特别是-进层的分歧理论CrelleIMRNSelecta Math., Math.Z.等杂志发表多篇文章