SEU Yau Center Geometry and PDE Weekend Seminar
Title: Geometry of holomorphic sectional curvature on Hermitian manifolds
Speaker: Jun Wang(王俊)
Time: 10:00-11:00, November 5th (Sat.), 2022 (GMT+8)
Venue: Room 1502, Yifu Architecture Building, Sipailou Campus of Southeast University, Nanjing
Holomorphic sectional curvature is quite mysterious in complex differential geometry and is closed related to hyperbolicity and rationally connectedness of the complex manifold. In this talk, I will briefly review some known results in Kahler geometry and talk about their generalisations in Hermitian geometry.
About the Speaker:
王俊,东南大学丘成桐中心助理研究员。2013年本科毕业于中国科学技术大学,2018年博士毕业于清华大学,随后于2018至2020年在中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院任博士后,于2020年9月入职东南大学丘成桐中心。其研究方向主要包括:复微分几何,特别是Hermitian几何与Kähler Einstein度量;复代数几何,包括各种正性之间的关系等;数学物理,特别是镜像对称,Gromov-Witten理论和可积系统。