Lunch Seminar: Supersymmetric QFTs meets Quantum Spin Chain (Part III) (17th Mar, 2022)


Math-Physics Lunch Seminar

Starting from 2022, the Math-Physics Group at SEU Yau Center will start regular lunch seminar. The general goal is to create a causual and free atmosphere for discussing new developments in theoretical physics, teaching ourselves about different subjects in physics and mathematics, sparking new ideas and collaborations...while enjoying the lunch.

While the atmosphere is expected to be free, lunch is not (because our fundings are not flexible enough to buy food and our salaries are not high enough to pay for everyone). We welcome external participants to join the fun, but with their own lunch :)

The first series of lunch seminars, under the name of Supersymmetric QFTs meets Quantum Spin Chain, will be given by Jie Gu, Yunfeng Jiang and Marcus Sperling. The main goal of these seminars is to give an introduction to a beautiful and deep subject, which is dubbed as the Bethe/Gauge duality.

This is the last part of the series. Jie Gu will show how Spin Chains discussed in the first talk and 2d gauge theories discussed in the second talk are related by the Bethe/Gauge correspondence. We will spend some time on the mirror symmetry of 3d N=4 gauge theories and explain what it implies for Spin Chains by the correspondence.

Title: Supersymmetric QFTs meets Quantum Spin ChainPart III

Speaker: Jie Gu (顾杰)

AffiliationSoutheast Universtiy

Time: 12:00-13:00, ThursdayMarch 17th, 2022 (UTC+8, Beijing Time)

VenueRoom 1502, Yifu Architecture Building, Sipailou Campus of Southeast University, Nanjing  


About the Speaker

Dr. Jie Gu did his doctoral study at the Department of Theoretical Physics of the University of Bonn in Germany, under the supervision of Dr. Hans Jockers and Prof. Albrecht Klemm and received his Ph.D. degree in 2015. Afterwards, He worked as a postdoc researcher at the Laboratoire de physique théorique of Ecole normale supérieure-Paris in France from 2015 to 2018 and at the Department of Theoretical Physics of University of Geneva in Switzerland from 2018 to 2021.

He has a wide range of research interest, including topological string, supersymmetric field theory, non-perturbative effects in quantum field theory, matrix models, and etc. Recently he is interested in using various tools, including topological string theory, resurgence theory, to compute BPS invariants of supersymmetric field theoeries.

Dr. Jie Gu joins Shing-Tung Yau Center of Southeast University in December 2021.