李铁香等2022年3月在Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics期刊在线发表论文



   202239日,东南大学丘成桐中心李铁香教授与合作者在Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics上在线发表题为的Solving Maxwell eigenvalue problems for three dimensional isotropic photonic crystals with fourteen Bravais lattices学术论文。

Solving Maxwell eigenvalue problems for three dimensional isotropic photonic crystals with fourteen Bravais lattices - ScienceDirect


Citation: Xing-Long Lyua, Tiexiang Li*Jia-Wei Lin, Tsung-Ming Huang, Wen-Wei Lin, Heng Tian, Solving Maxwell eigenvalue problems for three dimensional isotropic photonic crystals with fourteen Bravais lattices, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Available online 9 March 2022, 114220.
