Seminar: Ling-yan Hung--Some lessons learned from the p-adic tree and efforts towards a holographic tensor networks for real 1+1 dimensional CFTs (Dec 28th, 2021)



Title: Some lessons learned from the p-adic tree and efforts towards a holographic tensor networks for real 1+1 dimensional CFTs

Speaker: Ling-yan Hung(孔令欣)

Affiliation: Fudan University

Time: 14:00-15:00, Tuesday, December 28th, 2021 (UTC+8, Beijing Time)

VenueRoom 1502, Yifu Architecture Building, Sipailou Campus of Southeast University, Nanjing

Inviter: Wen Qiang


We will discuss what the p-adic tensor network may have taught us about RG fixed point and how those ideas can be generalized to 1+1 dimensional CFTs and beyond, making use of the connection between CFTs and topological theories in one higher dimensions.


About the Speaker

Ling-yan Hung is a professor in the Department of Physics of Fudan University. Her research interests include the gauge/gravity correspondence and its applications in the understanding of quantum entanglement and quantum information; field theoretic studies of the renormalization group flow and non-equilibrium dynamics, and their applications in condensed matter physics and cosmology; topological phases of matter in condensed matter physics, their classification and phenomenology.


孔令欣,2004年获英国牛津大学学士学位2005年获英国剑桥大学硕士学位2009年获英国剑桥大学理论物理系博士她曾分别于2009-2012年在加拿大Perimeter Institute2012-2014年在美国哈佛大学物理系从事博士后研究工作。2014年起,她在复旦大学物理系担任研究员即将任清华大学教授入选青年千人计划”自然科学基金优青资助及求是青年科学家称号。

她的研究方向为AdS/CFT对偶,量子纠缠以及量子信息在高能物理中的应用,Tensor network