Lecture by Associate Professor Fang, Jiangxue (方江学) (18 Nov, 2021)



Title:Special L-values of Drinfeld modules

Speaker:Fang, Jiangxue (方江学)

Affiliation:Capital Normal University (首都师范大学)

Time:10:00 am - 11:00 am, Thursday, 18 November, 2021

Tencent Meeting ID:685 500 191

Inviter:张超 (101012659@seu.edu.cn),张浩


The theory of Drinfeld modules is a poweful tool in the study of function fields. In this talk, I mainly talk about the special L-values of Drinfeld modules and give a class number formula which expresses the special values in terms of class modules and regulators. I also have an equivariant version of this formula which gives a function field analogue of the Stark conjecture.


  方江学,首都师范大学副教授、硕导,博士毕业于南开大学,师从算术几何名家扶磊教授。方江学博士的研究方向是数论与算术几何,其在局部Fourier变换、函数域上的L-函数等课题有优秀的成果。特别地,方江学博士曾在2014年左右引入新的方法推广了Lenny Taelman 2012年发表在Ann. of Math的结果,其方法与结果对该学科有极深的影响。