Postdoc positions in theoretical physics


The theoretical physics group of Shing-Tung Yau Center of Southeast University invites applicants for 1-2 postdoc positions in Theoretical Physics, starting in 2022. The positions are for 3 years. The research interests of the group include quantum field theory, quantum gravity, string theory, quantum entanglement and integrability. Faculty members include : Jie Gu, Yunfeng Jiang, Hai Lin, Marcus Sperling, Ryo Suzuki, Qiang Wen and Jianfei Xu.

To apply please send a curriculum vitae, list of publications and statement of research to Deadline for the full consideration is December 7, but application may be considered until January 2022. Please also arrange three recommendation letters on your behalf. Referees shall send their letters directly to

The annual salary for the postdoc is around 200,000 RMB. Outstanding candidates can also apply for the Zhi-shan(至善)fellowship of Southeast University. In the case of success, the annual salary will be 350,000 RMB. The postdoc will also enjoy a startup grant of 50,000 RMB (100,000 RMB for Zhi-Shan fellow) and will be eligible to apply to live in the postdoc apartment with 200 RMB monthly rent.

For further information and questions regarding the position, please contact Professor Ryo Suzuki ( or Qiang Wen (

Note: Due to the current pandemic situation and visa restrictions, this year we can only offer to candidates who are Chinese nationality or live in China already.