童纪龙(Tong, Jilong)教授学术报告


Title:Introduction to Anabelian Geometry 

Speaker:Tong, Jilong (童纪龙) 


Time:14:00pm-15:00pm, 20/10/2021, Wednesday

Tencent Meeting ID:501 333 187


Abstract:Anabelian geometry is a vast program proposed by Grothendieck, which describes the way in which algebraic fundamental group of a certain arithmetic variety, or some related geometric object, can help to restore the variety. In this one-hour talk, I will try to give a brief introduction to this difficult but fascinating subject. If time permits, I will also talk about some new phenomenon happened in positive characteristic, which was not included in Grothendieck's initial anabelian geometry.

  Bio童纪龙,首都师范大学数学科学学院副院长,教授、博导,本科就读于清华大学,2008年博士毕业于巴黎十一大(Universite Paris-Sud 11),导师为算术代数几何巨匠Michel Raynaud。童纪龙教授主要从事算术几何与数论方向的研究,其研究成果深刻而极具影响力,刊发于Math. Ann.、Algebra Number Theory、 Trans. AMS等顶尖杂志。童教授曾两次应邀在世界华人数学家大会(ICCM)做45分钟报告,并曾在2010年荣获由大会颁发的新世界数学奖博士论文银奖。