Title:An introduction to diamonds
Speaker:Shen, Xu (申旭)
Time:09:30am-10:30pm, 20/10/2021, Wednesday
Tencent Meeting ID:396 320 315
Abstract:We give a brief and example-based introduction to Scholze's theory of diamonds, which plays a fundamental role in the recent work of Fargues-Scholze on the geometrization of local Langlands correspondences.
Bio:申旭,中科院晨兴数学中心研究员、博导,2012年于巴黎十一大(Universite Paris-Sud 11)取得博士学位,其导师为算术几何领军专家Laurent Fargues。申旭研究员主要从事算术几何与数论方向的研究,已在Cambridge Journal of Mathematics、Duke Math. J. 以及Math. Ann. 等顶尖杂志发表多篇高水平学术论文。