

Title:Numerical methods for fractional differential equations with initial or boundary singularities


Affiliation:Southeast University

Time:14:30 - 15:30, September 28th (Tuesday), 2021

VenueAcademic Hall, 1st Floor, Nanjing Center for Applied Mathematics 4 Liye Zone, TusCity, 26 Zhishi Rd, Chi-Lin Innovation Park, Nanjing


Abstract:We present efficient numerical schemes for solving fractional initial value problems and fractional boundary value problems with non-smooth solution. Firstly, based on the known structure of solution, correction terms are introduced to construct an IMEX scheme for nonlinear fractional initial value problems, which is of uniform second-order convergence and has good stability than explicit schemes. Secondly, for fractional boundary value problems, an extrapolation technique is exploited to improve the existing finite difference schemes, which can avoid low accuracy of numerical solutions caused by low regularity of the exact solution. The algorithm can be used to solve high dimensional problems. Numerical examples verify the theoretical findings and show the efficiency of the presented numerical schemes. 
