刘贝贝(Liu, Beibei)助理教授学术报告


Title:Heegaard Floer homology and non-cuspidal curves 

Speaker:Liu, Beibei(刘贝贝)

Affiliation:Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA

Time:10:00 am - 11: 00 am, 08/25/2021,Thursday

Tencent Meeting ID184 538 395

Inviter:Guanheng Chen (103200077@seu.edu.cn)

Abstract:In this talk, I will talk about the possible configurations of singular points occurring on general algebraic curves in CP^2 via Floer theory. The main ingredient is to use the knot Floer complex of the knotification of the singularities links in the algebraic curves. 

  报告人介绍:刘贝贝,目前是 Georgia Institute of Technology的Visiting Assistant Professor。2019年毕业于U C Davis,其导师是著名数学家Eugene Gorksy 和 Michael Kapovich。毕业后曾在德国Max Planck Institute 做博士后。主要研究领域为hyperbolic geometry 和 low dimensional topology。