

Title:Unramified cohomology of quadrics in characteristic 2



Time:14:00pm-15:00pm, 7/30/2021,Friday

Room:328496599, Tencent Meeting

Inviter:杨森,张超 (101012424@seu.edu.cn)

Abstract:Let X be a smooth projective quadric defined over a field F. In characteristic different from 2, Kahn, Rost and Sujatha made in the 1990's a systematic study of the unramified cohomology of X in low degree. Their results have been  soon extended and used by Izhboldin to prove that the u-invariant of a field can be 9. In this talk,  I  will discuss  generalizations of  Kahn, Rost and Sujatha's results in characteristic 2. This is based on a joint work with Peng Sun.

  报告人介绍:胡勇,南方科技大学理学院助理教授。2005年本科毕业于清华大学,20126月毕业于法国巴黎第十一大学并获得博士学位。 先后在德国杜伊斯堡-埃森大学和法国诺曼底卡昂大学工作,2017年加入南方科技大学,主要科研方向为数论与算术几何。相关的研究成果发表于Math.Ann.等著名学术期刊,主持及参与科研项目多项。