Title:Canonical sections of Hodge bundles
Speaker:Shen, Yang(沈洋)
Time:19:00pm-20:00pm, 27/6/2021,(Sunday)
Tencent Meeting ID:435548917
Abstract:In this talk, we introduce our recent work on the canonical sections of Hodge bundles. First, we review the work of the sections of Hodge bundles for Calabi-Yau manifolds, which uses the method of deformation theory. Then we generalize it to the Calabi-Yau type case, using the method of Hodge theory. Finally, we introduce the applications to characterizing the moduli spaces of certain polarized manifolds as ball quotients.
报告人介绍:沈洋, 南京大学专职研究员,2016年博士毕业于浙江大学。主要从事代数几何和复几何的形变理论的研究工作,近年来一直致力于研究周期域的相关问题,取得了一系列崭新的成果,研究工作发表在Science in China等国内外学术期刊。