朱睿东(Zhu, Ruidong)博士学术报告


Title:Topological Vertex Formalism for SO(N) Gauge Theories and beyond

Speaker:Zhu, Ruidong (朱睿东) 


Time:14:00 - 16:00, 8/6/2021



Abstract:We propose an extended form of the topological vertex formalism that applies to (p,q)-brane web with orientifolds,   which realizes five dimensional SO(N) gauge theories in the string theory. A new topological vertex with only one leg is introduced into the formalism for the intersection point of (2,1)-brane and the O-plane. We show the consistency of this  extended  formalism  and  present the resulted analytic expression for the partition function of SO(N) gauge theories etc. (This talk is meant to be a pedagogical one with a relatively long review of established results in the literature.)

  报告人介绍:朱睿东,2019年3月博士毕业于日本东京大学,2019年至2020年在都柏林高等研究院从事博士后研究工作,2020年12月初入职苏州大学高等研究院担任副教授。研究领域主要包括共形场论、超对称场论以及弦论相关的数学物理,并取得了具有一定影响力的成果。目前的研究兴趣主要集中在超对称场论及可积模型的非微扰物理上。在JHEP、PTEP、JPhys A.等高能理论物理刊物发表论文15篇。