Title: Hilbert scheme of twisted cubics via wall-crossing
Speaker:Xia, Bingyu(夏秉禹)
Time:14:00-16:00, Thursday, May 27th, 2021
Venue: 东南大学(四牌楼校区)逸夫建筑馆15楼1502报告厅
Abstract:Hilbert scheme of twisted cubics has been studied by Schlessinger and Peigne in the 1980s via explicit computation of deformations of ideals and equations. I will talk about how to study this moduli space using Bridgeland stability condition and wall-crossing phenomenon.
报告人介绍:夏秉禹博士,晨兴数学中心博士后,美国俄亥俄州立大学博士毕业。His research interest lies in algebraic geometry, homological algebra and deformation theory. To be more specific, I study Bridgeland stability condition on the derived category of a smooth projective variety and its moduli space. Via the wall-crossing phenomenon of Bridgeland stability conditions, it is also possible to study the birational geometry of these moduli spaces and relate them to various known moduli spaces like Gieseker moduli space of sheaves, Quot scheme or moduli of stable pair etc.