杨润秋(Yang, Runqiu)副教授学术报告


Title:Constraints about the number of inner horizons

Speaker:Yang, Runqiu(杨润秋


Time:14:00 - 16:00, Friday, May 28th, 2021



Abstract:This talk will introduce our two recent works about the constraints on the number of inner horizons. In the first part I will discuss the inner horizon of spherically/planar/hyperbolically symmetric black hole with charged scalar.  I will show  that such  a system has no inner horizon  in spherically or  planar  symmetric  case and has at most one inner horizon in hyperbolically symmetric case. In the second part we focus on general static black holes which have no additional symmetry. We will show that, with  strong or null energy condition, the general static black hole will have only two Killing horizons associated with the Killing vector which stands for static symmetry.
