

Title:Integrated four-point correlators in N=4 SYM

Speaker:Wen, Congkao (温从烤

Affiliation:Queen Mary University of London

Time:15:00 -16:30, 23/4/2021

Zoom Meeting ID:64207528539

Meeting Link:https://zoom.com.cn/j/64207528539

Meeting Password:832535

Inviter:Wen, Qiang

Abstract:In this talk, we will discuss integrated correlators of four superconformal primaries in N=4 super Yang-Mills, that are  defined  by  integrating  over  spacetime  coordinates of  the  four-point  correlator with  certain integration measures. The  integrated  correlators can be computed  using supersymmetric  localisation,  which are  expressed as N-dimensional matrix-model integrals. We will mostly focus on one of the integrated correlators. We find that this integrated correlator can be presented as a lattice sum,  which makes manifest the SL(2, Z) modular   invariance of  N=4 SYM.  Furthermore ,  the  integrated  correlator obeys  an  elegant Laplace-difference equation, which relates the correlator of SU(N) theory with those of SU(N-1) and SU(N+1) theories. The expression allows us to obtain  exact results of the  integrated correlator in various limits. For instance, in perturbation, the  expression  is checked to be consistent with known results in the literature; in the large-N limit,  it is shown to match with the  expected results from  string theory due to AdS/CFT duality.

  报告人介绍:温从烤2011年博士毕业于美国布朗大学,2011年至2018年先后在Queen Mary University of LondonUniversity of Rome, Tor VergaCaltech从事博士后研究工作,20184月初入职Queen Mary University of London。研究领域主要包括量子场论和弦理论的散射振幅,关联函数,以及规范/引力的对偶。