胡晓文 (Hu, Xiaowen) 博士学术报告


Title:An inclusion-exclusion principle on Hilbert scheme of points

Speaker:Hu, Xiaowen(胡晓文)


Time:14:00 - 16:00, 17/3/2021

Venue: 东南大学(四牌楼校区)逸夫建筑馆15楼1502室

Inviter:Wen, Qiang

Abstract:We will recall the theory of good generations, and algebraic cobordism. Then we show that the Euler characteristics  of tautological sheaves on Hilbert scheme of points on arbitrary dimensional smooth projective schemes satisfy an inclusion-exclusion principle. Therefore there exist universal polynomials for such Euler characteristics.

  报告人介绍:胡晓文博士2002年-2014年在清华大学获得学士和博士学位,之后他在北大国际数学中心做博士后,现为中山大学任研究员。胡晓文博士的研究方向为 Algebraic cycles, algebraic K-theory, Hodge theory等,已在Adv. Math, IMRN, Sic. China Math.等期刊上独立发表论文四篇,另有很多尚未发表的工作。