陈刚 (Chen, Gang)博士学术报告


Title:Algebra and Scattering Amplitude

Speaker:Chen, Gang (陈刚) 

Affiliation:Queen Marry, London

Time:15:30 - 17:00, 5/3/2021

Tencent Meeting ID:334 360 168

Inviter:Wen, Qiang

Abstract:Recently we provide a new framework to construct the kinematic algebra using the tensor currents in QCD. In this talk I will  introduce the local interaction version of the color-kinematic duality for the whole NMHV amplitude. The master gauge/gravity duality (BCJ) numerator is obtained directly form fusion product of the tensor and vector currents. Under the associative requirement of the fusion product, the BCJ numerator for each triplex graph in Yang-Mills theory is obtained directly by the corresponding commutators of the fusion product. The jacobi identity is manifest from the associative requirement.We provide a closed form for the master BCJ numerator for the general multiplicity amplitude. The freedom in the BCJ numerator is characterized completely in group algebra invariant.  This algebra works perfectly in the heavy mass effective theory. The obtained duality form  keeps both Gauge invariance and locality for graviton.

  报告人介绍:陈刚博士,2005年本科毕业于苏州大学,2010年博士毕业于南京大学。之后在南京大学,乌普萨拉大学以及Queen Marry University of London做博士后研究员,研究方向为量子场论中的散射振幅。