Title:Entanglement entropy in exactly solvable models for 2D topological phases
Speaker:Hu, Yuting (胡愈挺)
Affiliation:Fudan University
Time:14:00 - 15:30, 5/3/2021
Tencent Meeting ID:235 962 803
Inviter:Wen, Qiang
Abstract:Entanglement entropy in topologically ordered matter phases has been computed extensively. The topological quantum observables in topological phases, manifested as anyonic quasiparticles and the boundary-bulk relation, can be detected by the entanglement entropy. In this talk, I will report our recent progress on the entanglement entropy in (2+1)D topological phases using various exactly solvable models with/without boundaries. We focus on (1) the contribution from the quasiparticle fluctuations, and (2) how the boundary conditions affect the entanglement entropy. Particularly, we show the correspondence between the entanglement entropy and the infinite-temperature thermal entropy on the entanglement boundary. We also systematically construct the reduced density matrices on generic 2-surfaces with boundaries.