沈策 (Shen, Ce)博士学术报告


Title:Defect Verlinde Formula

Speaker:Shen, Ce (沈策) 

Affiliation:Fudan University

Time:14:00 - 15:30, 25/9/2020

Tencent Meeting ID:643 439 727

Inviter:Wen, Qiang

Abstract:In this talk, we revisit the problem of boundary excitations at a topological boundary or junction defects between topological boundaries in non-chiral bosonic topological orders in 2+1 dimensions. Based on physical considerations, we derive a formula that relates the fusion rules of the boundary excitations, and the “half-linking” number between condensed anyons and confined boundary excitations. This formula is a direct analogue of the Verlinde formula.

  报告人介绍:沈策,2016年本科毕业于复旦大学物理学系,2017年至2020年在复旦大学孔令欣教授课题组进行研究工作。目前的研究兴趣主要集中在拓扑序边界性质、拓扑纠缠熵等。在PRL、JHEP、Nature Physics等物理刊物发表论文4篇,被引用一百余次。