Christopher Charles Green博士学术报告


报告题目: From bubbles to harmonic measure: using the Schottky-Klein prime function to solve problems in multiply connected domains.

报告人:Christopher Charles Green 博士

报告人单位:Macquarie University




Over the past decade, a special function called the Schottky-Klein prime function has been increasingly used to solve problems involving multiply connected domains in the complex plane (i.e. domains with multiple boundaries). In this talk, I will showcase the mathematical methods generating analytical solutions to three such problems I have worked on in recent years, each of which are motivated by physical applications.


Dr Christopher Green is currently the holder of a prestigious DECRA Fellowship from the Australian Research Council, and Lecturer in Applied Mathematics at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. He graduated with a PhD from Imperial College London, and subsequently held postdoctoral appointments at the University of California San Diego and the Queensland University of Technology. Dr Green is an applied and computational complex analyst. His main research interest lies in using a special type of function theory to solve problems in multiply connected domains which are inspired by applications.