

  报告题目: iSIRA: Integrated Shift-Invert Residual Arnoldi Method for Graph Laplacian Matrices from Big Data

  报告人: 林文伟 教授





The eigenvalue problem of a graph Laplacian matrix Larising from a simple, connected and undirected graph has been given more attention due to its extensive applications, such as spectral clustering, community detection, complex network,image processing and so on.

In this talk, we propose a trimming to cure the singularity of L according to its special property: zero row/column sum. This remedy technique leads us to solve a positive definite linear system reduced in one dimension and then recover the result to get a suitable solution of the original system involved in an eigensolver. Besides, we apply a deflating approach to exclude the influence of converged eigenvalues. We show how to apply the idea of trimming to the graph Laplacian eigenvalue problem together with a deated term and a target shift. Accordingly, based on the inexact residual Arnoldi method, we propose an integrated eigensolver for this kind of L combining with the implicit remedy of the singularity, an effective deflation for convergent eigenvalues and the shift-invert enhancement.Numerical experiments reveal that the integrated eigensolver outperforms the classical Arnoldi/Lanczos method for computing some smallest positive eigeninformation especially when the LU factorization is not available.


林文伟教授于1987年获得德国Bielefeld大学应用数学博士。现任台湾交通大学应用数学系讲座 教授,曾任台湾大学、台湾清华大学特聘讲座 教授,其研究专长领域是科学计算、数值分析、动力系统、最佳控制等。林教授在SIAM系列刊物,J. Comp. Physics等国际知名学术期刊已发布学术论文140多篇,在矩阵方程的加倍保结构算法、大规模矩阵方程的求解方面做出了巨大的成绩。林教授曾担任台湾科学委员会数学学部评委主席、台湾理论科学研究中心数学组副主任、中心科学家、学术委员等,曾担任《台湾数学杂志》主编,2000-2009年担任Num. Lin. Alg. Appl.杂志编委,目前担任SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and Applications杂志编委。1994年、2002年获得台湾科学委员会杰出学术研究奖、1999年获得孙中山学术研究奖、2004年获得台湾教育部杰出学术奖、2007年获得台湾教育部国家讲座等荣誉。目前为东南大学客座教授,东南大学丘成桐中心“计算几何及其应用”研究方向负责人。